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Miami Masters has a very active social committee that ensures the Fun keeps up with Friendship and Fitness. Every Saturday, after training, we assemble for nibbles and ‘adult beverages’ and time for members have a chance to catch up and get to know each other.  


The Burleigh Bears Rugby League clubhouse is next door to our pool and swimmers often adjourn there when the pool closes for a Saturday evening catch up and early meal after training. 


Our major social function of the year is our Awards Presentation Dinner which is always well attended. This highlight event recognizes the achievements of many of our Club members, not only competitively, but in their support and participation in Club activities. Music, dancing, good food and wine guarantee a great evening.


Over the years, members have participated in theatre outings, golf days, barefoot bowls, beach barbeques and karaoke nights.  For those who feel swimming is not enough exercise, we quite regularly organise bush walks and occasionally, camping weekends.  A few cycling enthusiasts will take to the roads for an occasional fun outing.


New ideas for the social activities in our Club are appreciated and we welcome newcomers with open arms.

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